
Friday 5 November 2010

Being British Is Not A Privilige Anymore.

A piece of hate filled human garbage named "Mustafa Kamel Mustafa" aka "Abu Hamza al-Masri" arrived on our shores from Egypt, slept around with whores, married a British woman, divorced, drank alcohol and slept around again (but with a British passport now) ..... 

Abu Hamza Cost UK Thousands In Taxes
Abu Hamza Cost UK Thousands In Taxes

 ... then he got that old time religion (aka decided not to work, but become a Muslim preacher while on state benefits), married again to a Muslim and had seven kids, (who are all supported by my taxes either in or out of prison), and preached that Westerners, Jews etc should be killed ..... he is currently serving a seven-year sentence for inciting murder and racial hatred, but is due out soon.

He should have been stripped of his British passport in 2003, but because it has taken seven bloody years to get to a tribunal, and the Egyptians did the same inside seven weeks (after we started our process to do so), he would be left 'stateless', so under the "Human Rights" convention, that Labour said was to help ordinary Britons, not terrorists, he can no longer be stripped of his 'British' passport.

He is supposedly to be deported to the US to face trial, but guess what, the same tax funded lawyers who have managed to retain his British passport for him, have also so far stopped his extradition ..... but allegedly he will be gone soon.

I am beyond words that this man can apparently stay here, and if he manages to fight off extradition (or maybe wins his case in the US), will be able to come back and start 'preaching', and we can do little or nothing about it ..... why is his benefits status at least not reviewed? If he's well enough to peddle hate on the streets, can he be that disabled?

I simply ask this ...would I be able to stand on street corners calling for Muslims to be expelled, or preach that they can be killed or sold as slaves? Nope, I would be arrested, and there would be a queue of 'Human rights lawyers', lined up to help put me into prison for as long as possible ........

So on behalf of all of us, my thanks to Tony Blair, his wife Cherie (a lawyer ... you can guess which kind), and the Labour Party for making this country a richer and better place, now that the 'Human Rights' of people like Abu Hamza are paramount in our legal system.

The collected sayings of a British Citizen and Proud Passport Holder:

Killing Or Enslaving Infidels (Kafir's)

"Killing a Kafir who is fighting you is OK. Killing a Kafir for any reason, you can say it, it is OK - even if there is no reason for it"

"If a Kafir person (non-believer) goes in a Muslim country, he is like a cow. Anybody can take him. That is the Islamic law. ... If a Kafir is walking by and you catch him, he’s booty. You can sell him in the market. Most of them are spies. And even if they don’t do anything, if Muslims cannot take them and sell them in the market [as slaves], you just kill them. It’s OK .... I say the reality that’s in the Muslim books anyway. Whether I say it or not, it’s in the books."

Killing Jews

"We do not hate Jews because they hurt each other, we hate them for their corruption on earth.

The Jew cannot look a Muslim in the eye or pass him knowing they have oppressed a Muslim or some other Jew had oppressed a Muslim elsewhere. So nation of Mohammed must regain their dignity and this dignity would not be regained unless with blood."

Suicide Bombings

"It is not called suicide... this is called martyring, because if the only way to hurt the enemies of Islam except by taking your life for that then it is allowed "


"Don't go to the man who is selling a wine shop and tell him please why you selling the wine shop, come to the mosque? Make sure that the man who gave him the licence for that wine shop does not exist anymore on the Earth. Finish him up."

On Brothels (He was a bouncer at a strip club):

"Every place of iniquity, every brothel, every video shop which is selling naked, for the victorious party is a target"

Remember, if the Americans can't take him, he will be out on the streets shortly .......

Update: The Americans had no trouble with him .... On the 5th of October 2012, after an eight-year legal battle, he was extradited from the UK to the United States to face terrorism charges. On the 19th of May 2014, Hamza was found guilty of eleven terrorism charges by a jury in Manhattan and on the 9th of January 2015, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

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