
Saturday 14 May 2011

A Rose By Any Other Name?

'Slut Walk' marches are a series of protests by girls in the US and Canada after a Canadian police officer opined the advice that women students should "avoid dressing like sluts" to keep out of trouble ... 

Slut Walks In North America
Slut Walks Tackle Misogyny?

..... the walks are intended to highlight a culture in which the victim rather than rapist or abuser is blamed when they are attacked.

Now while we at PC Towers totally agree with the sentiments of the girls, we can't help feeling a vague suspicion that the officer had something of a point, no matter how ill advised he was to voice it.  There is no doubting that in the last forty years or so, Western girls mores in sexual matters has loosened, and modes of behaviour of males towards girls in the same context, has worsened in line with this change.

To whose gain its easy to see, in social life, girls in some communities are less respected than ever before, this is despite the PC sisters of the Left, who use the hammer of the law, to try and impose legal remedies for the evils that their social meddling in the past often unthinkingly unleashed in the first place ... for instance the moves in the 1960's towards the acceptance of women's single parenthood and children born out of wedlock (legal distinctions were eradicated in 1987), was considered a minority issue back then (between the 16th century until the 1960's, official UK illegitimacy rates never passed 7 per cent ~ but were probably over 10 per cent) .... now we are rapidly heading to the situation where more than half of the children born in the UK (Predictions are that this will occur around 2021 - 24) will be out of wedlock ... will this really have benefitted women in society?

Oddly, once again the attack is primarily aimed at white males, while the generic description of women as 'Ho's and Bitches' by males of another colour, is hardly commented up on (presumably, this is simply classed as 'cultural'?) ..... so being told that some modes of  dress are 'slutty' is worthy of protest marches, but being described as a 'Whore', 'Ho' or a 'Bitch' in songs and on the street isn't?

We are living in a very strange society and values with women thinking that they are gaining legal rights, while actually losing far more than they realise .... one day soon biological men will be able to call themselves legally 'women', and female politicians on the Left will support it. Madness. 

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