Sharon Shoesmith, head of social services at Haringey Council when "Baby P" was killed, and the woman who was paid the big money to have the buck stop on her desk, has just won a court appeal against getting sacked .... the reasons? The court thought the sacking "procedurally unfair", not morally or ethically, just some i's not dotted, or t's crossed.
As a consequence of this court decision, Ms Shoesmith described herself as "thrilled" .... not ashamed, just "thrilled" ... of course it means that the taxpayers will be left to pay her huge amounts of 'compensation' (She has claimed that she is entitled to her full salary and pension from Haringey up to the present day .... £133,000 pa x 3.5 = £465,500.00), for her being sacked while in charge of a system that allowed a child, that should have been protected by her employees, to be brutally and systematically beaten to death (he had over 50 injuries when he died in 2007).
Haringey are set to appeal against this, but when you take into the account of the lawyers, legal aid, and court time already taken up by her endless round of appeals to tribunals, and you can see that already, her case has probably cost more than the back 'salary and pension' that she wants .... so what is the point of employment laws when it always ends up in court until the claimant 'wins' (as they always seem to do in the end).
You can see why most employers simply 'pay up' even when they are faced with these often frivolous fishing' claims ... its totally wrong, and there are figures which suggest that some 'employees' make repeated claims from every employer they are sacked from. The employment laws, which were meant well, has been subverted by frequent challenges by lawyers and now work against society, and not for it.
This story tells you everything that's wrong with a society, where the laws are set by and controlled by the same lawyers who always make money in these cases.
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