
Sunday 3 July 2011

Benefits Britain

What happens when the welfare state and the culture it engenders becomes the norm for too many people? Well for a start you get stories like these ....

Clare Jones, a 38 yr old woman from Tonypandy, Rhondda, had claimed she could only walk 25 metres without crutches in order to milk the benefit system, only to be filmed walking freely and then skydiving at 12,000 ft (3,657m) ..... and the excuse for this fraud? Her legal defender stated that she had done the parachute jump after her father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. And he added that "The jump is suitable for people with worse disabilities than she has including amputations." .... so that's OK then.

Hazel Maddock was jailed and her daughter Jasmine given a suspended sentence after they left Mrs Maddocks mothers body in a bedroom so that they could continue to claim her old age payments .....Hazel Maddock, 61, pleaded guilty at Liverpool Crown Court to unlawful prevention of burial and benefit fraud. She was given an 11-month jail term. Her daughter got a suspended sentence.

Now these are not isolated cases, in fact a simple search on the Internet prompts umpteen reports of the welfare system fraud that is now rife in the UK. Nearly everyone of us knows of at least one person who is either blatantly defrauding the state (working and getting benefits), or is exaggerating their 'incapacity levels' in order to maximise their benefit levels. I know of one man who claims he can't walk more than 10 yards in order to qualify for mobility benefits, but in fact parks his car several hundred yards away from the pub so that he can avoid getting spotted by the police for drinking and then driving. He is in fact simply grossly fat .....

“..... the party of those ripping off our society"

Now there are Benefit Cheat Hot Lines, so in theory we could report all these cheaters in our midst, but in fact, for everyone of us reporting the fraudsters, there is an army of 'welfare advisers' employed by councils and charities etc, whose sole aim is apparently to widen welfare benefit take up ..... its reached such an epidemic in the UK that even the Labour Party leader felt moved to say that "under Gordon Brown, Labour came to be seen as the party of benefits cheats and bankers" .... “the party of those ripping off our society". Better late than never, but as the architects of the system that makes far too many of the British too lazy to work, its not hard to see that they have no interest in reforming the system that provides them with so many voters.


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