
Sunday 17 July 2011

No Armageddon, But 'Carmageddon'

'Carmageddon' is not the latest "Transformers" movie, but what local wags named the chaos that was expected when a 10-mile stretch of one of America's busiest motorways was to be shut down for more than 48 hours ..... 48 mins is enough to bring road chaos in the UK. People were planning to stay at home, they were stock piling supplies and hunkering down for the weekend. And all because one stretch of one of the Los Angeles city's motorways, the 405 freeway, was to be closed for the weekend.

People in LA are really addicted to their cars and it was the major topic of conversation for weeks .... so when the 405 highway was closed at midnight on Friday (so that a section of the bridge could be demolished), chaos was predicted, but so far, all reports suggest that the publicity and the predictions of a traffic gridlock throughout the city, seem to resulted in disruption being largely averted.

405 Highway
In fact traffic was lighter than normal, with the bulk of the traffic apparently consisting of out of towners. In fact, like all the predictions of 'Armegeddon' that failed to occur this year, its perhaps not a surprise that the predicted "Carmegeddon" didn't occur either. "Carmegeddon 2", when they cut down the rest of the bridge, is expected next year.

Sometimes we chattering monkeys, just love to talk up dangers ....

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