
Friday 16 December 2011

Voter Fraud or Anti Immigrant?

Apparently in Texas and other US States, in an effort to combat possible electoral fraud, the electoral board have passed new rules where voters are required to show state identification at the polls when voting.

Electoral Fraud Comes In Many Guises
Electoral Fraud Comes In Many Guises

Seems sensible enough, but cue the Democrats complaints.
Now what they wanted to say was .... "but that will hurt our vote because we have illegal immigrants vote for us" .... but they can't. So they have to say that 'the poor and elderly may struggle to secure that documentation'.
In fact Democratic Attorney General Eric Holder managed to square the circle in this statement "we need election systems that are free from fraud, discrimination and partisan influence - and that are more, not less, accessible to the citizens of this country".... but he added that "The most recent census data indicated that Texas has gained more than four million new residents - the vast majority of whom are Hispanic".

The Democrats are trying to find some way to declare the rules 'unconstitutional', but have to be careful how this plays with the white community because as Walter Scott said ..... 'Oh what tangled webs we weave when we first practise to deceive' .... as most of those new Hispanic residents of Texas are alleged to be illegal immigrants, and therefore shouldn't be able to vote, and won't be able to if forced to produce state papers.

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