
Friday 2 December 2011

Backward Afghanistan

Our soldiers are fighting in Afghanistan, purportedly to bring some sort of civilisation to this benighted land. 
Afghan Women Have Few Rights - But Many Wrongs
Afghan Women Have Few Rights - But Many Wrongs

An Afghan woman is arrested by the police after being raped, she was charged with 'Adultery' and jailed.
She had the child of her rapist in prison.  The rapist of course faced no sanctions as there were no witnesses to the crime.
"At first my sentence was two years," she said. "When I appealed it became 12 years. I didn't do anything. Why should I be sentenced for so long?" ..... her sentence was reduced to three years on appeal.
She can only leave prison on a Presidential pardon, if she agrees to marry her rapist .... why do we bother to be there? Our soldiers are dying for nothing ..... They are a socially backward people, and think that Sharia is superior to all other systems.
In fact as US and Allied troops 'handover' to Afghans soldiers and police, everything reverts back to the same miserable state as it was before we invaded. The whole experiment in 'democratisation' in Afghanistan was doomed from the start ... they are proud to be the most backward nation in Islam (and that's saying something given the competition for that position).
I can see no happy outcome for our intervention in this benighted land which always has been, and always will be 'a land of stone and men' .... and always a harsh place for women.


  1. You were bang on with this post. Ten years before this post was proved right. It did revert back. Right back to the Taliban rule we wasted billions trying to prevent.

    1. Thanks for bringing this old post back to me. I was pretty close to the mark wasn't I? Thanks for the comment.


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