
Friday 2 December 2011

End of the World ... Not

Recently there have been many reports of the end of the world ... many have been wrong, but the banker for all these nutcases has been the Mayan Calendar cycles which many believed meant the universe, or at least our little bit of it was going to come to an end next year ....

Bolon Yokte' K'uh  - Mayan God Of War.
Bolon Yokte' K'uh  - Mayan God Of War. Due back next year.

.... maybe in 30 days ... but more likely at some point towards the end of 2012.
Now however, archaeologists have had another look at this and said, oops, we read it all wrong. Its not a prediction for the end of a universe cycle, but rather according to these new readings of the Mayan text carved into stone 1,300 years ago, its the expected time for Bolon Yokte' K'uh  (the god of creation and war), to return to influence.
Even the National Autonomous University of Mexico has joined in the fun .... "There is no prophecy for 2012. It is a marketing fallacy".

Still if you think of it, it may not be a cataclysmic end for the universe or even the solar system, but the return of the God of War after a 400 years absence (the last time he was about was when the Conquistadors overthrew the Aztecs!), may end up with the end of the world as we know expect it .... just a thought!

NB: See you all safely in the New Year!


  1. I saw the first mention this year of this prediction on the TV last night, but no mention that it had been debunked. I think it proves the truth about 'not letting the facts ruin a good story'.

  2. This story is getting a lot of hits on the run in to December 21st ..... some people really get spooked by these reports.

    I thought everyone knew that the end of civilisation will be a decade of collapse 2045 - 2055 when the 'perfect storm' of over-population, famine, water shortages and environmental degradation will occur like a Tsunami wave .... wars and collapse.

  3. So far so good eh? Just 45 mins to go before the world ends, the 'rapture'or a French mountain top opens up to save the few!

  4. Ah, well another theory in the bin ... look to the Earth and not the 'heavens' for the signs of the collapse. 2045 - 2055 is my bet.


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