This is just an observation, but its my opinion that the biggest victim of the philosophy of Political Correctness is 'The Truth'. The biggest exponent of PC is the BBC. Here for example are their 'Have Your Say' forum rules ....
"We reserve the right to fail comments which...
So for example pointing out that there are no English Born MP's representing seats in Scotland, while there are a number MPs born in Scotland (and incidentally other MPs born in Wales, Germany, Africa, India, and Pakistan), representing English seats, apparently breaks these house rules of the BBC ... however as this is in fact the truth, then the BBC should not be able to stop it being said. But they act like an unelected government of the left, where the only truth is their version of the truth.
So for the record, of the 533 MPs representing English constituencies, around 65 appear to have been born outside England. Of this approx number of 65 non-English MPs representing English constituencies this excludes those MP's such as David Cameron who was born in England (but whose father was an Aberdeen born stockbroker), and who has spoken publicly about his heritage.
The full list is said to be here (and I haven't checked it fully) but it seems to be correct ..... the BBC acts as its own judge and jury against any complaints, so effectively is able to impose its own world view on the public, but that doesn't make the truth any less the truth, but it does drive it out of the public arena.
"We reserve the right to fail comments which...
- Are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others
- Are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable
- Contain swear words or other language likely to offend"
So for example pointing out that there are no English Born MP's representing seats in Scotland, while there are a number MPs born in Scotland (and incidentally other MPs born in Wales, Germany, Africa, India, and Pakistan), representing English seats, apparently breaks these house rules of the BBC ... however as this is in fact the truth, then the BBC should not be able to stop it being said. But they act like an unelected government of the left, where the only truth is their version of the truth.
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The Faceless Censors |
The full list is said to be here (and I haven't checked it fully) but it seems to be correct ..... the BBC acts as its own judge and jury against any complaints, so effectively is able to impose its own world view on the public, but that doesn't make the truth any less the truth, but it does drive it out of the public arena.
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