In the land where Psychotics are in power, then Paranoia is normal ... should be an old Chinese adage, but isn't, because I just made it up.
However what else can you say about a country, where the religious establishment put up billboards on the capitals main highways before a recent election, that warned the electorate in large letters that if the turnout was less than 50%, the US would attack Iran.
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No Mistaking The Message In Iranian Elections |
However what else can you say about a country, where the religious establishment put up billboards on the capitals main highways before a recent election, that warned the electorate in large letters that if the turnout was less than 50%, the US would attack Iran.
To be fair they seem to say this at every election.
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Iran Message - Israel Must Be Wiped Out |
Its hard in the sane world, to truly understand the madness of the cult that rules a quarter of the planet at the moment. They even talk like madmen .... after the elections, Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar declared that the election turnout was 64% (with no independent verification), he then gleefully proclaimed it a triumph, and said it was an "iron fist and a hard slap in the face for the arrogant powers that will keep them confused and perplexed for a long time" .... of course no one gives a shit..
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No PC Multicultural Nonsense In Iran - Advocating Genocide Is An Electoral Policy. |
Oddly he didn't care who the electors voted for, because all the candidates had been vetted by the regime beforehand, with 36% disqualified. So all the candidates standing for election were religious conservatives and nationalists, and their differences were only over who got their noses in the gravy train, the Mullahs or them.
Its hard to even understand, how an apparently intelligent people like the Persians, can be so easily led by people who should be locked up .... but then after listening to the utter garbage coming out of Argentina about their 'rights' to the Falklands recently (which by the way are 'none'), maybe we shouldn't feel too smug.
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Argentina Has Never Stopped Threatening The Falklands |
So maybe with electoral turnout worries in the West, we could all try this tactic: In Australia it could be the Aborigines reclaiming the continent, and of course in the Americas, the Mexicans still long to get California (or parts of it) back, and maps like this one below are still jokingly produced by advertisers - Actually if they wait just 100 more years, then linguistically this may well come true.
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Some Mexicans Dream That One Day This Will Be True |
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