
Sunday 15 April 2012

Deification and Demigod

Its not often we see the deification of a living Demigod anymore. Time was when the world was full of living Demigods such as the Roman emperors (from the death of Augustus Caesar onwards) and no doubt the various potentates in Persia, India, China and other of the Old Empires will have had their own living gods as well.

But they have kind of died out and therefore we should be glad to have taken this last chance in maybe 50 yrs or so, to see Kim Jong-un, the latest in a line of Demigod rulers to be inaugurated in Pyongyang North Korea.

Kim Jong-un - chubby Demigod

Of course, the inauguration of a Demigod requires a lot of pageantry, but hereditary 'communist' dicatators are always big on that ......

North Korea - Big On Heroic Parades - Poor on Bread and Rice.

.... its Bread and Rice that they struggle to provide.

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