
Friday 20 April 2012

Argentine Pirates Strike Spanish Maine

Ms de Kirchner is the rabble rousing President of Argentina, who has been rattling the UN with claim that 'the pirates', as she refers to the UK, have to give the Falklands back to Argentina, despite the fact that the Falklands were colonised by Britain without any Spanish ever living on the islands ...
Union Jack Flying Over Port Stanley In The Falklands
Union Jack Flying Over Port Stanley

 ..... and many decades before 'Argentina' even came into existence. But the driver to all this is Oil, which has been found around the islands.
I mention this because Spain has always tacitly supported Argentina in this delusional claim (and the Argies have done the same in supporting Spanish claims over Gibraltar, which Britain gained at the same time), by backing them in the UN. But this week Cristina de Kirchner arbitrarily stole all Spains majority shares in the YPF company, the main oil company in Argentina.  She claimed that the expropriation was aimed at "recovering sovereignty" over natural resources.

Her Peronist party and her have also nationalised the private pension schemes,  the postal service, the railways and the water works in the last five years ..... effectively bringing the private sector back into state control ..... shades of Eva Peron.

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner Accused Of Corruptiob
'The Spanish, they only this big', says de Kerchner
Now suddenly the Spanish, want the EU, and Britain, to support them in attempting to penalise the Argentine pirates for the theft ..... funny how the world turns. I'd make any support conditional on the Falklands and Gibraltar.

Update: The now 69-year-old is accused of defrauding the state, and being involved in a scheme to divert public funds while she was president between 2007 and 2015.

1 comment:

  1. Ex President and now Vice-President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has been sentenced to six years in jail for corruption .... but partial immunity, and appeals, mean she won't serve any prison time for quite a while, if ever.


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