
Sunday 22 April 2012


There have been press reports that Sarkozy is the most 'hated' President in French history ... the suggestion is that its because he tried to break the cozy political French establishment which existed post war, in which the intellectual arguments were always on Leftwing terms ... the Right was only allowed to say that they could manage the socialist structures of France, better than the socialists could.

But then Sarkozy came along and said that the Right had valid arguments and philosophy's, and started to enact them .... cue 'hatred'. Irrational it may be, but heart felt it undoubtedly is. The film director Mathieu Kassowitz was reported as having said that if Sarkozy wasn't knocked out in the first round of the presidential elections, then it would show that France was a "neo-fascist collaborationist" country ... whatever that may mean.

Pres. Sarkozy - Hated By The French Leftwing
He may or may not win the elections, but I suspect that in the privacy of the election booths, he will have more support than the largely left wing (polls have indicated that between 80 and 95% of French journalists are on the left or far-left), French press suspect.  I seem to recall that Mrs Thatcher was (and still is) as hated by the same groups in the UK ... and look at the elections she won.

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