
Thursday 5 April 2012

Dreaming The Dream

I have discussed thankless jobs before on this blog so you can imagine my pleasure in finding that another of these exceptional roles is being practised at the moment. Its only a 'temporary' position that is only resurrected every couple of decades or so, but I doubt many would say its not both dangerous and thankless.

I give you Mohammad Younas Nawandish, "The Mayor Of Kabul" in Afghanistan. I honestly had never thought that there was anyone foolhardy enough to do this job ..... when the Taliban get back in to the city (around the year 2015 I would guess), it would not be good to have been in that job. Apparently he did not even campaign for the job, because Kabul did not have the resources to hold an election, or because there was no one stupid enough to do the job, so President Karzai simply appointed him.

Mohammad Younas Nawandish - Mayor Of Kabul - has big plans.

No one can say he doesn't have a vision "In three years, we will have Kabul covered with trees, history shows the mountains of Kabul were green 200 years ago. We are trying to repeat history here."....he has ordered his officials to begin planting 30,000 saplings on top of and around Shirdarwaza mountain. The rest of his plans are equally optimistic, and despite accusations of failure and corruption (who isn't both in Afghanistan?), no one else is rushing to take the job from his hands.

You gotta  hail a brave man ...... for as long as he's still here.

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