
Friday 26 October 2018

Fearing For Our Cultures Future

I truly fear the worst for our cultures future, as the influx of immigrants whose values are not ours, continues.

Migrants Are Not Sharing European Values

There is simply no compromise nor no concession by the immigrants when they get here. This was best summed up by the two Syrian refugee boys who told the Swiss media (in German) that "nobody could make them" shake hands with a woman, and that they "could not just delete their culture as if it were a hard drive" ... No, but they fully expect us to delete ours instead.

This was a case of two schoolboys refusing to shake hands with Swiss teachers who were female (shaking hands with pupils is a Swiss tradition). Their father is an Imam, who obviously doesn't share any values on male and female equality with Europeans, but came here anyway, with the arrogant assumption that he could just carry on as if in Syria.

This little story is part of a long list of non-integration cases, all showing that Europe is being challenged to stop its cultural practices, so that immigrants who share no wish to embrace European values, can just carry on as though Europe is is now part of their backwards world view:

  • An Algerian woman was refused French citizenship, because she refused to shake the citizenship officials hand. The Algerian woman called the decision an "abuse of power", but the French Council of State has upheld the ruling. While in Sweden, a Muslim woman who refused to handshake a male at a job interview, has won her case for compensation
  • In Canada its now official policy to allow Muslim women wear a Niqab or Burkha in Citizenship Oath ceremonies, after a Federal judge ruled in Zunera Ishaq's favour, after she (an immigrant from Pakistan), challenged the government's policy of insisting that they not be worn. This, despite face coverings not being a religious requirement in Islam ....
  • ..... but in Belgium, a Danish woman of Tunisian descent, was deported back to Tunisia when she refused to remove her Niqab at the Belgian border entry point.
  • However in Australia, the wife of a terror suspect, was given her own private room to watch the trial after refusing to remove her Niqab in the court room. But in another part of Australia a judge forced a Muslim woman to uncover her face to give evidence, while elsewhere in another part of that continent, a Muslim woman claimed she didn't have to stand in court, as it was not Allah asking her to stand.

Open Faced Justice Is Under Threat In Western Societies .....

Sentences not long enough - Huddersfield's Muslim Rape Gang.

  • Meanwhile, in yet another round of asian sex gang attacks, 31 Muslim, mainly Pakistani descent males (and a woman of unknown ethnicity), have been charged and 20 convicted with rape, trafficking and sexual assault, etc, etc, on a set of fifteen non-Pakistani descent (aka White) girls, when they were aged between 12 and 18. The offences are said to have taken place between 2005 and 2012 in Huddersfield. Apparently the fact that boys may not like shaking hands with non Muslim women, doesn't stop them as men, later committing rape.
  • In March 2017, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg ruled that certain garments can be banned by employers and governments, as part of a general policy covering religious and political symbols in the workplace, but only when such a policy is in place for all. The ECJ issued a joint judgement in the cases of two women, one from France and the other from Belgium, who were dismissed for refusing to remove head-scarves at work. The ECJ judgement stated that “An internal rule of an undertaking which prohibits the visible wearing of any political, philosophical or religious sign does not constitute direct discrimination.”

Just for explanation, the European Court of Human Rights is the high court of the 47-member Council of Europe, and not part of the EU. The European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, is the EU’s highest court, and the boundaries over which has precedence is blurred.

As you can see from all this, our responses to the challenges on non assimilation/non integration are absolutely chaotic, as our authorities refuse to simply enforce our laws and customs, and then compromise our entire cultural values, to accommodate fallacious religious beliefs.

Our laws, customs, and beliefs, are simply being trampled into the ground, while ironically, if they tried this nonsense in the country their family came from, they would simply be sent to prison or forced to stand, remove the Niqab etc."Wearing the Niqab is a custom, not part of religion", according to Sheik Mohammed Tantawi, then dean of Egypt's prestigious al-Azhar University.

The Niqab for example is not recognised as anything more than a cultural construct in most areas of Muslim world, it is not a religious requirement. Therefore our laws can be enforced and not compromised  ... but our authorities are too scared to do so because of political correctness.

We will reap what we sow ....


  1. People will take a mile in all walks of life and liberal societies seem all too eager to give an inch. That's to be expected I suppose, and troubling in the same measure.

    “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” ― Barry Goldwater

    1. Very true .... but unless we learn to say no to compromising our beliefs to accommodate backwardness, we will lose everything to barbarism.


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