
Friday 13 September 2019

Owlman Not Mothman

Now many of us have heard of the 'Mothman' of West Virginia USA ....

The Mothman Prophecies
The Mothman Prophecies

.... they even made a book, and later a movie of it.

The events were first reported in the Point Pleasant Register dated November 16, 1966, under the title "Couples See Man-Sized Bird ... Creature ... Something".

John Keel wrote the 1975 book 'The Mothman Prophecies', in which he claimed that there were supernatural events related to the sightings, and some sort of a connection to the collapse of the local Silver Bridge in December 15, 1967, which resulted in the deaths of 46 people.

The Owlman of Mawnan Smith
The Owlman of Mawnan Smith, Falmouth, Cornwall.

However, I suspect that like me, you won't have heard of the 'Owlman of Mawnan Smith' in Cornwall England.

First entering local folklore in the 1920's the legend is that two teenage girls on holiday in Mawnan Smith, near Falmouth, Cornwall walked down to an old and remote church, then spotted a terrifying "bird-man" with wings and feathers on top of the church tower. Two other young girls later reported seeing a giant owl of human-size 'with glowing eyes'.

But there hadn't been any sightings since 1976 .... until August 2019, when 'ghosthunter' Mark Davies claimed that he'd caught the infamous (well largely forgotten) mythical character on camera while 'ghost hunting a graveyard. In the filmed hunt, he and a friend first enters the graveyard via a gate with an inscription which reads "Da thymi nesse the Dhu," which is Cornish and translates to "It is good to draw nigh to the Lord".

Then after ludicrously asking if "any creature lives here," he pans the camera in the corner of of his screen, while holding out a 'spiritual detector', when a figure seems to appear on the edge of the screen.

"There was a hissing in the trees and you could hear flapping, I heard it go right over my head and I was shocked. That's when I saw the figure, and it had horns on its head, it was mad".

However it then 'vanished' and he could find no more trace of the Owlman .... one suspects forever.


  1. It's amazing how unprepared these ghost hunters are, they obviously weren't Scouts as kids.
    I think that the phrase is "bringing a knife to a gunfight" ?
    Of course more competent ghost hunters wouldn't change the fact that there is no supernatural, no Loch Ness monster and no Bigfoot, just lots of wishful thinking and confirmation bias.

    1. Yes, but it keeps them off the streets ...

      Thanks for the comment mate.


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