
Friday 6 September 2019

Head Banging Knitters

Strangest event of 2019, outside of Britain's 'Brexit' debacle?

Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship - Finland
Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship - Finland.

Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship in eastern Finland .... yes you heard me right ..... Heavy Metal Knitting World Championship!!!!

Using stage names such as Woolfumes, Bunny Bandit and 9″ Needles, the competitors aim is to to exhibit their knitting skills while dancing to heavy metal music. The participants came from nine countries, including the United States, Japan, Russia, and Heather McLaren, an engineering PhD student who represented Scotland, put on performances full of theatrics, and lots and lots of head banging, knitting.

The competition took place in a city square in the small town of Joensuu close to the Russian border, with around 200 people watching the performances. Apparently heavy metal music is much more mainstream in Finland than most of Europe. This is partially because Finnish heavy metal band Lordi won the Eurovision Song Contest dressed as monsters in 2006.

Apparently the jury really struggled to agree on who had won, but eventually the performance by the Japanese five-person Giga Body Metal team clinched the title, with a show featuring crazy sumo wrestlers and a man dressed in a traditional Japanese kimono.

Heavy Metal Knitting World Contestants
Heavy Metal Knitting World Contestants .....

This first championship was determined to be a resounding success and the organisers announced they would repeat it next summer.

Apparently the long summer nights, and even longer winter nights in these northern latitudes, seem to make the Finns prone to strange interests .... other unusual events in Finland include such oddities as the world championships in air guitar, swamp soccer, and wife carrying.

Almost matches Britain's strange events.

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