
Friday 19 April 2019

Showing His Nettle

I strongly suspect that England has more daft world titles and contests than any other country.

Phil Thome - 3 Times World Champion ...

I mean we have, cheese rolling contests and Wellie Wanging and numerous others. One, the the World pea shooting Championship has actually created the quiz question of the week.

Question: Who is believed to be the only living person to have a pub sign in their honour?
Answer: Ian Ashmeade.

His claim to fame came about after The White Horse Inn in Witcham Cambridgeshire, decided to include the winner of the villages annual world pea shooting championships on their new pub sign.

The White Horse Inn Pub Sign in Witcham ....

As 61 year old Mr Ashmeade had just won the title for the third time, they used him as the model. So the granddad is featured sitting on a white horse with his peashooter and a horned hat.

But perhaps the daftest is the World Nettle Eating Championship at the Bottle Inn, Marshwood, Dorset.

The current champion is Phil Thome who reclaimed (previous winner 2014 and 2016), his prickly crown in July 2018, by eating 104 feet(323m) stinging nettles in one hour. His previous record was 96 foot. An impressive 400 people or so, turned up to watch and a large number of people competed.

There is said to be a secret method of eating the leaves which prevents competitors sustaining injury, however one false move and those brave contestants risk swollen lips and gums. It is said that the nettle eating contest evolved from an informal annual "longest nettle" bet which dated back to sometime in the mid nineteen eighties.

According to legend, its said that a pub regular, Alex Williams, who still competes today, said he would eat his 15ft 6in long nettle plant, if anyone could beat its length - and did so when a 16-footer was produced by someone in the pub.

"It became a tradition that if he did not win he would eat his nettle," and others the joined in ....hence the current World Championship.

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