
Friday 12 April 2019

Bonkers Judgements

How many criminal offences should someone be allowed to commit before being sent to prison ........

Dredd - Judge, Jury and Executioner.  Alternative Justice Systems Do Exist.
Dredd - Judge, Jury and Executioner.
Alternative Justice Systems Do Exist.

One? Two ..... Five, or some other figure?

I think we all agree that at some stage a habitual criminal should be incarcerated, and certainly they should be locked up for significant periods if they can't stop committing crimes. Before the amount of harm they do, really affects peoples lives or livelihoods.

But it appears that some judges don't agree  ...... the Ministry of Justice (a misnomer if there was one), was forced to give out the figures on the criminals with the most convictions who had avoided prison sentences. Take the case of an unnamed criminal in the UK who had been convicted of 462 criminal offences, ranging from sexual assaults, fraud, robbery and public disorder,  but who still avoided a prison sentence for offence number 462. In fact he has only been jailed 215 times in 51 years for those 462 offences.

Now doing the maths, if he got just 6 months for each offence, he should have been in prison for 113 years on just the jail sentences, or 231 years for each offence .... but somehow he has managed to keep coming out, committing more offences, getting caught, tried at public expense, and then all too soon be let out to commit more offences again.

Rogue ‘n’ Nosh .... Another of Britain's Habitual Offenders
Rogue ‘n’ Nosh ....
Another of Britain's Habitual Offenders

This 2019 story reminded me that I had seen reports on someone who very nearly fits the bill, and in fact I had written a post on it .... so I have linked back to that story, as I suspect Rogue ‘n’ Nosh might well be a kindred criminal spirit, with the unnamed individual in the Ministry of Justice report.

The Centre for Crime Prevention remarked after the Ministry of Justice admission that "Britain's criminal system is completely bonkers."


  1. I had my car keyed by some bored teenagers - it's school half term round here - and no doubt a few others did as well. No one will be caught and if they did I would still have to foot the repair bill.

    We have a constant drip drip drip of low level crime that undermines our civil society and values.

    1. Sympathies mate (or ms), I have had this happen twice. We are too tolerant to first, second or tenth time offenders.


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