
Friday 12 April 2019

Wimbledon Witches

Who would have thought that in this day and age any Christians, whether born again or not, would actually believe in witchcraft as physically being able to harm them ...

Belief In Witches Still Held By Some Christians
Witch Burning Still Occurs .....

..... especially in the UK.

But the stupidity of some people never ceases to amaze me.

Leonora Joseph, who at age 76, almost doesn't qualify as being described as 'born again', and her 56 year old son Mark, were in court in South London in 2019, on charges of harassment following incidents in which they accused Samantha Ginsberg of being a witch. The incidents included the pair chanting 'Death By Fire" at Ms Ginsberg.

In court the pair claimed in court that Ms Ginsberg had cast a spell that made Mrs Joseph ill and unable to walk for periods of time. Mrs Joseph told the judge that witches could cast spells in secret and "mumble and mutter" their curses.

But she said that people like herself had to pray aloud, and then be falsely accused of harassment when they do so. The judge bailed them ahead of a full trial .... I'll keep an eye out for the court case.


  1. As long as people believe stuff with no good reason there will be Witches, Fairies, Destiny, Homeopathy, anti-vaxxers, Flat Earthers, Apple customers, Christians and Muslims. I'm not surprised.

    1. The Djinn (aka 'Genies') and Angels are another couple of strange beliefs,


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