
Friday 5 April 2019

Good Will Drinking

There are good jobs such as bed tester at a mattress factory ......

Bed Tester Wanted
Bed Tester Wanted - But Not For Long

..... and there are really good jobs.

In January 2019 the Kutztown Borough Police Department in Pennsylvania, posted a Facebook request for three volunteers to come and help with their sobriety testing training programme. The volunteers would be able to drink at the police departments expense, whilst being tested at various stages to confirm their legal sobriety status.

The participants for the training exercise have to be in good health, with a clean criminal record and no history of drug or alcohol abuse. They had to be between the ages of 25 and 40, and would have to sign a consequences waiver .... oh and they needed a sober companion to attend who was prepared to take care of them afterwards.

Tazer Testing Was Optional
Tazer Testing Was Optional ......

The request was posted on a Wednesday and on the Thursday morning, the department had to stop people volunteering, and admit on a comment that they had enough eager volunteers to run the tests for months.

"We have an overwhelming response for this, and at this point we have enough volunteers." .... this after the post was shared more than 1,400 times within a few hours, and hundreds of local people had left comments volunteering. This in a borough with a population over just over 5,000 people.

The biggest complaints were that the requirement that participants would have to be within the ages of 25 and 40 left them unable to volunteer. One enthusiastic local posted "This 52 year old Fire fighter is willing to give it a run!!!!" .... while another Facebook comment read "Kutztown is a college town, everyone's drunk!!"

The Police Chief, Craig Summers has said that he will use some sort of aptitude test to determine which three volunteers will be awarded the three golden tickets for the day in April 2019. He has added that as far as other sobriety tests training goes, whilst marijuana use is still illegal in Pennsylvania, there will not be any volunteers required to get stoned any time soon.


  1. Sounds like a good job. I try it every weekend. But I have to pay.

    1. I am not sure I would enjoy drinking to order .... but I get your point. Thanks for the comment.


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