
Friday 5 April 2019

Snowflake Nation

Teens today must be the most lily livered, weak personality examples of their generation that we have ever produced.

A Million Snowflake Memes .... This Is Just One Of Them.
A Million Snowflake Memes .... This Is Just One Of Them.

I don't just say that from the pedestal of an older generation, there is some empirical evidence that supports the view that generation snowflake is utterly useless compared with previous generations ...

The Chef, Gordon Ramsay, has said that trainees today are not able to stand being shouted at, or sworn at ...... he said that his own grounding in kitchens, proves that millennials need to be pushed and shouted at more, not less .... "For all those snowflakes out there. The more you get pushed, the thicker your skin. Thicker your skin, the higher you go,"  and that they are a snowflake generation who can't take criticisms.

Ramsay himself worked for Marco Pierre White and Joel Robuchon, who both shouted at staff who didn't meet expected high standards ...  "I used to see ducks flying from one end of the kitchen to the other, thinking they'd just reborn their f*cking wings." He has added that his own kids are very similar to the rest of their peers, and that he wouldn't employ them either ...

But although I believe that he is completely true in this view, I wouldn't cite it as an empirical proof .... but how about Sara Khan, the University of Manchester's student unions 'liberation and access officer' (where do they come up with these jobs?), has said that The Mancunian, the unions newspaper should be vetted before publication by a "sensitivity reader," or have its funding removed. This was to ensure that no "insensitive" articles be published. She also wants the paper to ask for subject consent before articles about people are printed. She claims that its "unethical journalism" to not do so. Ms khan has opinions about a lot of things, and said that failure to ask for subject consent can "result in psychological harm or distress," and furthermore can put people at risk of "death and rape threats through social media."

Not content with these pronouncements, she also called for 45 percent of all journalists to be of Black, Asian and Minority ethnic origin, to reflect the student body (really?) .... Then Mancunian has "handled information surrounding liberation and diversity poorly" .... Ms Khan is the genius behind the no hand-clapping clap, aka "Jazz Hands," as clapping upsets people with 'autism or sensory issues'. Needless to say, Amy Wei, the editor of The Mancunian was not impressed with these latest demands, and described them as "impractical and unconstitutional" and the plan was voted down. 
On another front a recent news report said that students at Kingston University in London successfully managed to complain about having to find their own work placements .... something generations of other students have managed for decades without fuss. It probably won't surprise you too much to know that these were Social Worker student graduates (perhaps as wet a bunch of milksops as are ever graduated from our education system), on a £9,250 pa course. 
They claimed that having to find their own work placement had caused them stress, and that some of the 20 who had tried, had seen their own doctors about this stress .... a few even said that they considered self harm. Five of the 20 aren't even satisfied with the University offer, and have sought independent adjudication.

Now when you consider that they will have to deal with people whose lives are at best chaotic, and at worst self destructive, and yet they can't even handle finding their own employment without a doctors pills, or considering self harm, one has to wonder what sort of social workers they will be? 

New Teen Recruits Bermondsey, London 1915
New Teen Recruits Bermondsey, London 1915

And certainly what sort of advice they will give their clients ....  Imagine this lot being called up for the first, or even the second world wars? God help us, we would all be speaking German now.


  1. Great picture of the recruits. Was it originally in color?

    1. Err, No, I coloured it as best I could to make it more interesting. Thanks for the comment.


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