
Friday 26 April 2019

Criminal Stupidity

As often illustrated on this blog, criminals are rarely 'Masterminds'. They are not intelligent criminal Kingpins, or 'Napoleon's of Crime', like Lex Luthor or Professor Moriarty ....

Napoleons Of Crime - Lex Luthor and Professor Moriarty
Napoleons Of Crime - Lex Luthor and Professor Moriarty

.... No, they are invariably either just very violent anti-social thugs, or witless cretins, who get caught time and time again. Or a mixture of both ....

Nazi Coke

Police in Argentinian capital Buenos Aires seized 43 kilos of cocaine with packaging marked with a swastika  ....

Nasty 'Nazi Branded' Cocaine
Nasty Cocaine
..... a warning to some, but a bit of a give away to the police.


A smuggler in China was caught in Shenzen, China as customers officers saw him walking oddly ....
140 iPhones Strapped To Smuggler
The previous record was 94 iPhones

...he had 140 iPhones strapped to his body. So many he couldn't walk.

Explosive Fun

Two people were injured at a restaurant offering duckpin bowling in a rebel (Russian) controlled area of East Ukraine. It wasn't erratic bowling, but the fact that one of the participants decided to roll a hand grenade down the bowling lane. Oh and in case your wondering (and I had to look it up myself), duckpin bowling doesn't mean ducking cos a live grenade has been thrown.

Russian Duckpin Bowling Practise ..... Live Grenades Optional.
Russian Duckpin Bowling Practise ..... Live Grenades Optional.

No its a form of bowling that involves smaller balls without holes in them, and mini lanes .... you have to wonder at the sort of idiot who would throw a hand grenade as a joke ... obviously a Russian idiot.

Actually these no brain criminals don't know what they risk when they take a chance on a prison sentence .... for instance, they could end up in a tough prison, which has become a ....

.... Vegan Prison!

PETA spokesperson Pamela Anderson is a vegetarian, and in order to promote the lifestyle, in 2015 she had served lunch to prisoners at Maricops County Jail, Arizona ..... sometimes described as one of America’s toughest prisons.

Pamela Anderson Dishing Vegan Food To Prisoners
Prison Treat
However the visit was seen as support for Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who calls himself ‘America’s Toughest Sheriff’, and stated that he was an 'equal opportunity guy, I lock up everybody.' had cut meat from the prison meals  served to the 8,000 inmates and had saved an estimated $200,000 per year. The jail had been serving vegetarian meals for 16 months prior to Ms Anderson's visit.

However a reporter who had visited the prison in 2013 noted that the carrots in the stew were brown and that the soy looked like 'wood chips.' Arpaio responded, 'Oh, that’s probably just dirt. Don’t worry about that.' The inmates, who receive just two veggie meals a day, have previously called the food being served as 'slop.'

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