
Friday 19 April 2019

All Quiet On The Western Front

I had an email asking if I was 'avoiding Brexit and UK politics', having had so much to say about it until the last 18 months?

British Politicians Often Fail In Europe
British Politicians Often Fail In Europe .....

Well the answer is 'Yes', I am avoiding it.

The truth is that Mrs May has presided over one shambolic episode after another, in a display of utter incompetence that has been breathtaking in its magnitude.

Not since Neville Chamberlain, has a Prime Minister been so obviously not up to the challenges facing them. In both cases, it was a lack of resolve in the face of a European crisis that has led to near ruination of their country. In the case of Chamberlain, the rise of fascism and Adolf Hitler in particular, was a challenge he singularly failed to tackle. If he had stopped the re-militarization of the Rhineland, he might have stopped Nazism expansion before it even started. His fate was sealed by his Munich Agreement .... the piece of paper which was waved, was a sign of weakness.

Similarly Mrs May never approached the negotiations with Europe in the correct manner. She turned a moment of strength (straight after the result when the EU was reeling at another example of Perfidious Albion, and would have agreed to almost anything), into a weakness that has hindered every attempt to escape the EU clutches. She called a snap election and lost her majority, she gave away negotiating positions to satisfy Bremainers, and then on the very cusp of us leaving with no deal, she lost a vote to prevent us leaving .... now she negotiates with a Marxist Socialist in Jeremy Corbyn, and we will end up in the worst of all worlds - not able to negotiate trade deals and paying for the EU but with no voting rights. She will then be dumped by her party, and the bitterness all this has engendered will usher in a wipe-out for her party in the next elections, with a far left labour party in power .... ruination for the country.

The worst of it is that at some time in the future another leader will come in with mandate to leave, and will simply walk from Europe with no negotiations .... the lesson of the May regimes ineptitude will have been learnt. Europe will then offer us the deal that Mrs May could have got with a firmer backbone, and some wiser choices.

I in the meantime have given up on UK politics. I consider the commons MP's to be little worse than hypocrites, liars and low-lives. We had a peoples vote (that's what a referendum is you cretins)., Parliament was bound to accept and enact its result. But has, with the connivance of the speaker of the house who is a moron, thwarted that result ....

..... and they claim this is democracy.

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