
Friday 26 April 2019

Hipster Or A Dog Girls?

It appears that women have some hard choices to make in the mating game .....

Hipster Man - The Most Recent Male Trend.
Hipster Man - The Most Recent Male Trend.

Firstly, a beard or no beard on the prospective date ....

A recent study found that not only do women find bearded men sexier than their clean-shaven counterparts, but that they also perceive them to make better long-term boyfriends. The study, The Masculinity Paradox: Facial Masculinity and Beardedness Interact to Determine Women’s Ratings of Men’s Facial Attractiveness. Conducted by the University of Queensland (who really need a sub editor to pick their study names), found that beards interact with women's perceptions of men’s masculinity and their own femininity

8,000 females were presented with a range of male faces and were asked to rank the faces in terms of attraction, both in terms of short term and longer term relationships, and the results showed a significant majority were attracted to bearded men for their longer-term option. The scientists determined that a beard can make a masculine-featured mans face seem a little softer, and a feminine-featured man a little more masculine.

However, there is a flea in the fur, so to speak, as another recent study by the Switzerland’s Hirslanden Clinic, found that men’s beards carry more germs than dogs do in their fur. The scientists looked at the levels of bacteria lurking in 18 men’s facial hair and 30 dogs from different breeds, and found a significantly higher bacterial load in specimens taken from the men’s beards compared with the dogs 'fur.'

The studies had been designed to find out if there was a health risk to humans from MRI scanners being used for pets as well as humans .... but much to everyone's surprise only 23 of the dogs had high microbial counts, with the rest being moderate. However, when the MRI scanners were disinfected after bearded men had used them, it found that all the men, aged from 18 to 76, had high microbial counts – while seven had bacteria which were hazardous to human health.

Dogs Are Cleaner Than Many A Bearded Man ......
Better Bet Than Many A Bearded Man ......

'On the basis of these findings, dogs can be considered as clean compared with bearded men,’ said Dr Gutzeit ..... What he failed to add is that bearded men obviously pose a health hazard to the dogs, and to women.

Tough choice for a cuddle girls .... hipster or the dog?

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