
Friday 25 February 2022

Gorilla Raider

When a figure in in a gorilla suit was spotted .....
Crook In Gorilla Suit
Monkey Business In Sulphur
..... looking through house windows in Sulphur, Louisiana the local police were called.
They arrived to see the figure still in the area, and still in their monkey suit. They saw it was a man who promptly ran off and the officers gave chase. They eventually caught him, he was found hiding under a mattress in someone's house. 
Crook Ape Shit On Methamphetamine
Ape Shit On Methamphetamine?

A Mr Jeremie Moran was arrested after a brief struggle, and was later charged with resisting a police officer with force or violence, unauthorised entry of an inhabited dwelling, flight from a police officer, and wearing a mask or hood in public places...... oh, and possession of methamphetamine, and possession of drug paraphernalia. 
Under Louisiana state law, it's illegal to wear a mask (it carries a possible sentence of up to three years in prison, and is presumably a hangover from measures introduced to stop the Klu Klux Klan ... although that's my assumption, and I can stand to be corrected), except for religious purposes, on holidays such as Halloween and Mardi Gras, or during parades.
.... Sadly no news on his eventual sentence, but drugs always make monkeys out of their users.

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