
Friday 4 February 2022

Those Feet Ain't Made For Walking

Shaun Smith gets his kicks, where he gets his licks ....

Shaun Smith - gets his kicks, where he gets his licks
Pede Homo Smith

 ...... from women's feet.

He was up in court in Kent accused of sexually assaulting a woman, by licking her toes when uninvited to do so. He somehow got off by telling police and the court, that his DNA got on her feet because he sneezed on them, because he had a heavy cold, while kneeling to kiss them uninvited to do so.

He was found not guilty by a jury of eight men and four women after just 15 minutes deliberation .... a very strange decision ... an admitted attempted assault was not enough for a conviction.

But he is by no means alone in his fascination, Richard Cove, a middle-aged man from Worthing, West Sussex, England, made over 1,263 phone calls to the NHS 111 helpline in just two years. He pretended to be an old lady, and would ask the call handlers if they had smelly feet and bunions. Despite this, he even got ambulances sent out on false calls, or his calls being returned by proper clinicians .... these events were calculated as costing taxpayers £21,869 and he was charged by the police. 
He admitted 'malicious communications' in 2021. The Police said:"Police enquiries identified the offender's phone number and arrested Cove at his home from where he had been making the calls on his land-line. He admitted making all the calls, and that they were all for his own enjoyment and personal benefit. He said he had a sexual foot fetish which he indulged during most of the calls.” .... He was sentenced on the 13th September 2021, where he got the usual paltry wrist slap of 16 weeks suspended jail term, 200 hours unpaid work and must repay the NHS £2,000 ... all of which he will probably ignore.
 It takes all sorts .... even the strange sorts.

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