
Friday 4 November 2022

Medical Malpractitioners

Taking Advantage Of Our Stupidity .... Zholia Alemi, was a well paid (scale up to £110,683 - $139,083 pa), psychiatrist in the National Health Service, she even drove a Lotus Elise sports car ... 

Zholia Alemi - Never Qualified As A Psychiatrist
 Zholia Alemi - Never Qualified

 .... but she still took advantage of an 87 year old patients dementia ...

 .... by taking out the power of attorney over Gillian Belhams financial affairs, and to quote the patient “I think she just helped herself” from the bank funds.

She then changed the widows will, to make herself the sole beneficiary of the £1.3m estate. However carers spotted what was happening, and reported the matter to the police. Alemi was found guilty of fraud at Carlisle crown court ..... She was jailed for a mere five years ..... but then in a real scandal it turned out that she wasn't even medically qualified. 

She had dropped out of medical school in her first year of study in New Zealand, but despite having no qualifications whatsoever, she successfully registered as a Psychiatrist in the UK, falsely claiming to have a medical degree. She then worked in various parts of the UK for 22 years unchallenged. 
She apparently was registered via the 'Commonwealth route'. This route – which used to be available to doctors who qualified in certain Commonwealth countries under which applicants from Commonwealth countries didn’t even need to sit the standard two-part medical exam for foreign doctors when they arrived – was abolished in 2003, but surely should have involved the checking qualifications?
What this tells you about how qualified foreign doctors practising in the UK is actually quite shocking ..... Is the NHS likely to be full of impersonators? They claim it can't happen now and that urgent checks of thousands of doctors in the NHS were made following this case.
Legal cases for compensation against NHS Scotland and NHS England are apparently being prepared, and all her more than 3,000 unwitting patients were informed.

Sex driven

Mohammad Ihsan was a 36 year old doctor and married, so supposedly a pillar of society ....

Ex GP Mohammad Ihsan
Ex GP Mohammad Ihsan

 ... but like so many of the latest breed of medical practitioners, this was not necessarily the case.

In what has become the usual protective manner of the General Medical Council, he was seemingly allowed to get away with offences that would have got him immediately sacked from any other profession. 

In a series of incidents, he made sexual advances to female patients, offering to have sex with one on his desk, and asking about another's orgasm ratio. Despite the patients complaints, and even being found guilty of professional misconduct, he wasn't struck off by the GMC, and was merely suspended for a period of time, after expressing remorse at his actions, and presumably would have been allowed to carry on in his practise in Huddersfield and South Kirkby. He was only finally disciplined and struck off the register, when he was accused of exposing his genitals to a cleaner at his flat .... you sometimes have to wonder at the mindset of these self regulating bodies.

Owl .... That Hurts Doctor

In 2012 Sally Bradshaw, who was in some pain following an operation, and she went to see her doctor at the Apsley Surgery in Stoke-on-trent, Staffordshire England.
Ex-GP Thomas O'Brien
Ex-GP Thomas O'Brien

But she ended up actually seeing her doctors locum (temporary replacement) GP Thomas O'Brien, who was also a practising Pentecostal Christian, and instead of pain management he advised her that she was actually possessed by demons, and that the devil was "having a go" at her. 
He told her that psychiatry was dangerous and she should stop seeing her consultant, and he also retuned her bedroom television into an evangelical channel, and  informed her that his wife, a faith-healer, could cure illness without the use of medication.
He then arranged to take her to numerous religious Pentecostal meetings, and this continued for over six months, which resulted in Ms Bradshaw developing a crippling fear of owls after attending one meeting where a preacher spoke at length of sacrificing an owl to free her of the demons in her. 
At some point someone else stopped all this nonsense, and Dr O'Brien was eventually struck off by the medical council in 2015  ... Ms Bradshaw went to court, and in 2018 won £12,700 in damages from the ex Doctor at the High Court. However its it was something of a pyrrhic victory as Mr O'Brien's whereabouts since being struck off are not known ...
Doctor Debt
Portsmouth Primary Care Alliance - a collection of GP practices in the city, was subjected to a massive fraud, when in the space of just 41 days one of the doctors embezzled £1.1m from them. This 45 year old doctor was earning £200,000 pa, and had been put in charge of the accounts for 16 surgeries in Portsmouth (Why was it not an accountant or at least have two people in charge?).
Ex GP Rumi Chhapia
Ex GP Rumi Chhapia

Dr Rumi Chhapia, a director of the group, committed the fraud after a colleague, who normally handled the accounts went off sick and he was entrusted with looking after the accounts during their absence. The exact amount stolen was identified as being £1,133,704.50 and he has since admitted the fraud. Chhapia has repaid £238,000, but almost £900,000 was still outstanding after the fraud. 
When caught he tried to claim the accounts had been hacked. The on-line gambling firms he used agreed to repay £904,000 as a goodwill gesture, after Chhapia admitted the thefts and wrote to them asking for the money to be repaid.
He was given a prison sentence of three years and four months, when the case went for sentencing, and has some have calculated that if the £900,000 was actually salted away to India or Pakistan etc, it will more than compensate for a few months in prison ... which isn't even a certainty in this country - he wasn't struck off until April 2022. 
Its strange how a large fraud by professionals like this, does not necessarily guarantee a punishment by prison sentences that makes the fraud pointless e.g. As a senior GP in England he could earn a salary of around £93,965pa. So a sentence of 10 years - well actually 20 years (half would be paroled), would mean he would only have stolen what he could have earned in that time period. But he will be out in 18 months, and possibly on a plane to enjoy his retirement in South Asia at the British NHS's expense.

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