
Friday 12 January 2024

Elephants Never Forget

Now, its hard to imagine what a 70 year old woman could do to get an elephant really, really pissed off .....

Elephant Attacks In India Are An Increasing Problem
Elephant Attacks In India
Are An Increasing Problem.

 .... but whatever its takes, apparently Maya Murmu managed it.

She lived in the village of Raipal, in Odisha, India, and had done so all her life. Each day she had gone and drawn fresh water for a tube well near the village (as did all the women of the village). But on the 9th of June 2022, it was reported that when she went to the tube well one day, she apparently surprised a wild elephant at or near the well and it attacked.

She was thrown and trampled and although rushed to the hospital, she died of her injuries. The elephant had retreated to the countryside after the attack (and in any case, as a sacred animal, control of it would have been problematic for some Hindu's .....  but elephants have been killed during clashes with humans).

Indian Population Growth
Indian Population Growth

Now that was that, just a sad accident caused by too many humans as India's population just soars, unchecked by any sort of sign of birth control.

But things got truly bizarre when a couple of days after the attack, the family started to administer the last rites of a Hindu funeral, and had placed her body on a funeral pyre. But out of nowhere an elephant appeared (presumed to be the one that had attacked and killed Maya Murmu), and ran to the pyre and grabbed her body ..... throwing it once again to the ground, and trampling the body again. 

The shocked mourners were unable to intervene and were forced to wait until the second attack finished and then continued with the ceremony with the battered corpse.

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