
Friday 26 January 2024

Just Another Florida Day

On Christmas Eve 2023, 23-year-old Abrielle Baldwin was shot in the chest and killed by her teenage brother Damarcus Coley in Largo, a city about a half hour's drive from Tampa, Florida .....

.... in a row about Christmas presents.

Damarcus Coley was aged 14 and had a semiautomatic handgun .... he was then shot by his 15 year old brother Darcus Coley, who also possessed a handgun. Both boys were arrested, with the older boy charged with attempted first-degree murder and tampering with evidence. The younger boy who killed his sister may also be charged as an adult for murder.

All three were members of 'the community,' as the activists style themselves, but no one in the family apparently thought it odd or wrong that a 14 and 15 year old were both armed with weapons, let alone at their grandmothers house on Christmas Eve. The brothers had earlier been separated by one of their uncles, during a row in the residence, in which Damarcus had threatened to kill his older brother, but when outside, Damarcus then argued with his sister Abrielle who was there with her baby.

"You all need to leave that stuff alone," Baldwin had said to her brother, according to the police. "Why you trying to start it? It's Christmas."

Damarcus then apparently called his sister several derogatory names such as being a 'ho', and told her he was going to shoot her and her baby. He then allegedly shot her with the bullet travelling through her left arm and into her chest, popping both of her lungs. She suffered internal bleeding and was unable to breathe, and so died shortly after the 1:45 p.m. local time, her baby was unhurt.

Darcus then came out and shot Damarcus in the stomach in retaliation, before running away, throwing his gun into a nearby back yard. The teen was later taken into custody at a his mothers house. Damarcus underwent surgery, and was put in to a stable condition at a hospital, where he was charged with first-degree murder, child abuse, and being a delinquent in possession of a firearm .... Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney's Office reviewed the case to decide whether the teen will be charged as an adult.

Darcus was charged with attempted first-degree murder and tampering with physical evidence. Both teens have prior arrests for car burglaries. The fact that these boys apparently routinely carry guns in 'the community' barely raised a comment ... certainly not from the activists who would have raised them as 'saints' if the police had shot them.

Now you might be thinking that this was a one-off .... but in July 2022 ....

Three Florida Teens Arrested For Attempted Murder
Three Florida Teens Arrested For Attempted Murder

Three Florida teens were arrested in a mobile home park for attempted murder after shooting another juvenile.

While in April 2023 a 12-year-old and a 17-year-old from 'the community' were arrested in Marion County, Florida, after killing three teenagers. Layla Silvernail, aged 16 was found lying injured on the side of the road on March 30 and later died at a hospital. An unnamed 17-year-old boy was found dead of a gunshot wound on March 31, also lying on the side of a road not far from the first murder scene. And a 16-year-old girl Camille Quarles was found shot to death on April 1st, in the trunk of a sedan partially submerged in a pond.

Robert Robinson, Christopher Atkins And Tahj Brewton - Murderers
Robert Robinson, Christopher Atkins
 And Tahj Brewton - Murderers

Robert Robinson, 17, and Christopher Atkins, 12, both face first-degree murder, armed robbery and other charges. Tahj Brewton, 16 was later apprehended and also faced first-degree murder, armed robbery and other charges including carjacking with a firearm, aggravated assault, grand theft of a motor vehicle, fleeing or attempting to elude a law enforcement officer, and tampering with an electronic monitoring device.

Sheriff Billy Woods said “We do not hold our juveniles accountable. We minimise their actions ... School districts across the state and across this nation need to quit minimizing the actions of their students. Hold them accountable. That’s where the failure is.”

But others might say that the fact that guns are so easily obtained by children and adults means these sorts of crimes are inevitable in the land of the free and the home of the brave ...

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