
Friday 5 January 2024

More Mayhem

Michelle Hannon from South Wales, had been holding her engagement party with her family and friends, and the event had turned into a drunken 'all day bender'.

Absinthe Parties Often Ended With A Figh
Absinthe Parties In Wales Often Ended
With A Fight Between Mother And Daughter.

However as these events invariably do, it then degenerated into family arguments, as the drunkenness removed more and more brain cells from the action.

At some point her daughter Jessica's boyfriend was asked to leave, after a row with Michelle Hannon, but this request apparently enraged Ms Hannon's 28 year old daughter, who then launched into a full throttle, no restraint attack on her mother.

She punched her, knocking her to the floor, and then kicking her while she was down. The battle continued when Jessica, who had initially left the property after the first assault, returned and then threw two glass wine bottles at her mother, both missing, but one shattering a window and some of the shards hit her mothers face, gashing it, which required stitches after she suffered a two-inch “V-shaped laceration to her cheek” and this left her scarred for life.

The case came to Cardiff Crown Court, where Jessica Hannon a mother of two and who lives in Risca, Newport, admitted to a charge of wounding and was sentenced to eight months (suspended for 12 months). She was also given a three year restraining order against contacting her mother ..... and the only bit of the sentence to sting her ... a 90 day alcohol abstinence order, and two weeks alcohol rehabilitation activities.

As usual the Welsh stories keep coming .... on Christmas Eve 2021 a drunk driver in Swansea, Wales crashed her car just before the clocks struck midnight. She crashed her VW van into a building, leaving it wedged in the flat in the early hours of Christmas Day, and with £10,000 of damage. The police arrested 19 year old Catherine Morgan and she was found to be three time over the drink driving limit.

She appeared before Swansea magistrates court and admitted drink driving (DUI) and quelle surprise, to being uninsured. She was sentenced to ten weeks jail (suspended for 15 months) .... as she was uninsured the flat owner of course had to find the money for the repair of their property from their own insurers (or their own funds if not insured).

I swear that if you moved the whole populations of South Wales and Florida swapped places, we wouldn't notice the difference.

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