
Friday 2 February 2024

Beer Is Best

There are apparently up to 50 million 'good' bacteria in some bottles of beer .... 

Medieval Brewing Broom Was A Welcome Sight To The Thirsty
Medieval Brewers Made A Healthy Product.

 ....... so these probiotics are a good reason to drink at least one bottle a day .... Yeah!!

It helps to combat obesity, insomnia, bowel cancer and even dementia, or so scientists at Amsterdam university claimed in a report a few years ago. That's the good news .... Now the bad news .... Unfortunately for me and others, they only investigated Belgium and Dutch beers ... so they said that Hoegarden Westmalle Tripel or Echt Kriekenbier are particularly rich in probiotic yeast.

The trick is that they are fermented twice (once in the Brewery, and again in the bottle for strength) .... which is unlike most beers (including all the UK's beers .... Boo!!). They also use a different yeast strain which not only converts the sugar into alcohol, but also kills the bad bacteria. 

Of course in the middle ages, they brewed and drank beer, because the water was not safe to drink, and because yeast and the boiling killed harmful bacteria. The medieval brewing broom was a welcome sight to the thirsty, as it was their only safe drink. In fact as some one once pointed out, the average medieval king, was half cut most of the time, which might have accounted for at least some of the more stupid wars ..... but the peasants, who did hard manual labour would have burnt both the alcohol, and the calories off quickly.

The University of Nebraska in the USA, has also confirmed that some beers contain 50 million good probiotics. However a Boston University/ NHS study released in 2022, has found that eating kebabs and boozing can trigger dementia decades later. Blood fats and sugars from bad diets can cause brain damage in your 30s that just accumulates over the decades. 

The number of Brits who are showing signs if early dementia has trebled in the last decade and the number of adults with cognitive decline (loss of brain power) has gone from 1.3 per 1,000 people in 2009, to 3.5 per 1,000 people in 2018. Around half these cases turn into dementia cases within 3 years of being diagnosed. 

The damage from a bad/unhealthy diet starts to build up from age 35 onwards .... so after that brief burst of hope, its back to where you were when you started reading this post. So carry on taking the probiotic drink .... but not as beer.

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