
Friday 9 February 2024

The State Of Relationships

According to a report commissioned by make up company RapidLash .... 

What Most Women Fear
What Most Women Fear

One in 20 British men have never seen their significant female other, without their make-up on, and ladies will usually leave it a full month before they 'go bare' in front of their 'new' other half.
Women it seems, don't feel 'dressed' without their make-up, and I suspect secretly worry if their partner will be put off, when they are bare faced for the first time. 

There is in fact a no-makeup movement which has been helped by celebrities such as Alicia Keys who performed “Blended Family” on “The X Factor” sans maquillage (as the French would say). She did the same at the Grammys, while the singer Demi Lovato has shown #nomakeup selfies on social media, as has Kylie Jenner, Gwyneth Paltrow, Gigi Hadid, Adele and Beyoncé. 

Better skin care products have meant that celebrities (or what passes for celebrity) at least, have felt confident to go au natural ..... but for the vast majority of women, I suspect that's a step too far on the 'liberation' battle. Mind you, women's make-up is usually for the benefits of an 'other half' who has been selected on a purely physical attributes.

In a report that proves what we all secretly knew, a study by Cologne University found that 'nice' men and women, were only desirable to the opposite sex, if, and I repeat this, if, they were also physically attractive as well .... otherwise the physical attractiveness was the main and probably only factor.
The researchers from Britain, Germany and Holland, unsurprisingly found that physical attractiveness was more important in a prospective mate than them being 'nice', when relationships were being considered. Once initial relationships were established, or a long term relationship was being considered, then the kindness, thoughtfulness etc of the other person became factors.
I also can add a rider ... women who are cracking on in years, past the first bloom so to speak, and who have been dumped or betrayed by their latest 'handsome bad boy', are often suddenly attracted to the nice men who they ignored in earlier years .... odd that, isn't it?

Finally ..... in a sign of the times and the breakdown of stable relationships.

More children in the UK are being born to unmarried parents, than at any time in recorded history of these records being kept (births started being registered in 1845). In 2021 of the 624,828 children born, more than half (320,173) were to unmarried mothers.

Now this figure is actually worse than it looks, as it doesn't take into account that the vast majority of Asian births are all inside a marriage, so that the proportional figures are worse for White and far worse for Black births. However a proportion of those parents will marry after the birth, and that figure isn't reflected in the figures.

The UK Marriage foundation laid these figures at the door of successive governments, who profess to support marriage and stable relationships, but who offer no (financial?) support, before or after marriages.

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