
Friday 23 February 2024

Who Are We Looking For?

In late September 2021, fifty year old Beyhan Mutlu, who had been drinking with friends in Bursa province in Western Turkey, decided to go for a walk in a local forest .....

Confused Searcher Beyhan Mutlu
Confused Searcher Beyhan Mutlu.

..... instead of going straight home, without telling anyone, including his wife.

Time eluded him as it often does in a warm forest (and after you have been drinking), so he was unaware that his wife and friends, worried by his apparent unexplained disappearance  had alerted the local authorities, and a search party was sent out.

When Mutlu came across the search party, he didn't realise who they were looking for and he decided it was his civic duty to join them in the hunt. But when the members of the search party began calling out his name, he replied: "I am here." 

He was asked to give a statement by one of the rescuer workers, and told the police officer "Don't punish me too harshly, officer. My father will kill me." The police then drove Mr Mutlu home. It is not clear if he was given a fine or just a rollicking from his wife. 

Personally, I was struck by the fact that at 50, he was still worried about his dads reaction.

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