
Friday 9 February 2024

Plant Clippings

When I am collecting stories (from the press, or other media), as possible post ideas for this blog, I am usually left with some that are really just one or two sentences ...

Meripilus Giganteus
Meripilus Giganteus

... so I have collated the plant clippings into a pot pourri post.

Monster Mushroom
Chef Sergio M Valledor, was walking with friends in a forest near Santa Lucia de Gordon in northern Spain ... he was foraging for wild foodstuffs such as fruits, berries, truffles and mushrooms. He spotted a mushroom, but not just any old mushroom, no this was a monster mushroom.
In fact it was so big that after he decided to pick it, he needed his friends help. They decided to cut in half and drag the two halves to their vehicle .... if that hasn't given you the mental image of just how big the mushroom was ... well it was weighed with the two parts totalling 152lb (69kg) ... which was far more than the previously biggest mushroom ever recorded at 53lb (24kg).
According to local media, the Meripilus giganteus beats the previous record by 23 kilogrammes (50.7 lbs) and Guinness World Records are said to be looking into the finding.
Why some people bother I don't really know, but I should probably ask Jim Taylor of Arby's fast food restaurant in Atlanta Georgia. Why? Well he is the proud creator (no other word seems to fit!), of the worlds first 'meat vegetable' in August 2019 ... 

In his own words: "or, as we call them, 'megetables' ... Our first megetable creation is the 'marrot', which is turkey disguised as a carrot ... We have set up a Vegetarian Support telephone hotline, and invite vegetarians to call and listen to the sound of sizzling bacon." ....... I find it hard to believe that they are big sellers.

Another Miracle Cure

Yerba Santa (Holy Herb) is a plant growing in California, that may well offer a cure for Alzheimer's Disease. It contains a drug (sterubin) that acts as powerful neuro-protective and anti-inflammatory on the brain. 
Yerba Santa
So much so, that in tests on mice it destroyed the rogue proteins that accumulate in dementia cases. This offers the hope an actual treatment rather than just treating the symptoms of dementia.

Healthy Living
A new or should I say another super food has been discovered. The camu camu fruit from the disappearing Amazon rainforest of Brazil and Peru has 60 times more vitamin C than an orange, and stops mice who are being fed wholly on a junk food diet from putting on weight. 
Camu Camu Fruit
Camu Camu Fruit

The fruit, which is not on sale in my local supermarkets, is a large berry that looks like an apple, boosts bacteria in the gut, destroys toxins that inflame the metabolic system, reducing the risks of diabetes, heart disease and strokes .... sounds great, but if not cheaply available not much use really.

Food Additives

Not all foreign flora invasions are all bad. It appears that some UK insects are adapting to eat the invaders, often as local habitats disappear. A study by York University has found that some Butterflies, Bugs and Beetles are including invader species in their diets.

Tea Time Troubles

A plant used in traditional Chinese tea (Evodia Rutaecarpa) .....
Chinese Tea
Chinese Tea

....... could trigger heart attacks according to Swiss scientists.

New Green Revolution.

Scientists at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, England, have managed to treble crop yields by adapting a NASA technique of using LED lights to stop plants having a sleeping phase. This was achieved by exposing seedlings to 22 hours of light in green houses ... the result was that they could grow six generations of wheat a year instead of two. 
They hope that this technique could avert starvation as global warming effects hit the weather .... current predictions are that food production needs to nearly double (80 per cent) by 2050 to avert mass starvation.

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