
Friday 4 October 2024

Covid Relief

Some people suffered during Covid infections .....

Nightmares Come In Many Forms
Nightmares Come In Many Forms

..... and some other people really suffered.

Mr Paul Luttrell came down with a severe case of the infection and entered an 11 day coma .... it was expected that he would die, but thankfully he eventually recovered conciousness.

However his relief was double what might have been expected, because he had apparently been stuck in a dream state that he felt he had not left during the whole of the 11 days of unconsciousness. 

He had therefore believed that he had been stuck one continuous 11 day nightmare, in which he had been kidnapped by a gang, who had forced him to work as Tesco supermarket delivery driver every day for 11 days. They had given him an old van that had the doors all hanging off and to cap it all off, they had forced him to hand over all his wages. 

He was therefore very happy to find that this wasn't real and he wasn't a Tesco delivery driver. 


  1. Haha 😄 ... imagine, Tesco delivery drivers never wake up to find it was a nightmare!!

    1. LOL .... They should have tried harder at school, and then they would be living the dream instead of living the nightmare of being a Tesco delivery driver.

      Only joking Tesco delivery drivers, it's just a job like any other.

    2. Well it appears that this mans personal nightmare has touched some peoples funny bone. Thanks to both(?) commentors.


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