
Friday 4 October 2024

Pie Pranks

 I've never really understood some peoples belief that anything that they do is harmless fun ...

The Grinning Fool Waits For a Victim
Andre Eugene Moore-Gerald - Grinning Fool

.... even if it means physically assaulting their victims. This is particularly true of so called YouTubers who then post their pranks on the Internet.

All this just to get a few more subscribers .... such is the case with a half-wit named by the police as Andre Eugene Moore-Gerald, a 22 year old resident of Greenville, South Carolina, USA. A warrant was issued for his arrest after a series of assaults in the town, in which innocent strangers had had plates of whipped cream thrown or pushed in to their faces.

He was identified as the suspect after the police reviewed CCTV footage, and he had posted video's of his 'pranks' on the Internet YouTube platform. Greenville is not a low crime town, with citizens having a one in 139 chance of being a victim of a violent crime, according to the Neighbourhood Scout website. So these attacks were not well received either by the victims, or the police. 

"A woman was walking on the sidewalk, pushing her child in a stroller, when the pictured suspect hit her in the face with a plate of whipped cream," police said. "There have been multiple incidents of this occurring today."

Of course once he found out that it had all gone awry, he tried to play it all down by issuing a statement in which he apologised for “any inconvenience and confusion,” but then said that he should not really be facing charges because the pies were “just whipped cream.” He even called his actions 'positive' and said that he did not mean any harm.

He later turned himself in to the Greenville Police and was promptly charged with with third-degree assault and battery. 

I have in fact dealt with a similar Instagram/YouTube 'prankster' Ryan Nihart in another post, after he filmed himself assaulting a man wearing an advertising minion costume, leaving the man, who was actually mentally handicapped, very shaken following the attack. The victim cried and worried whether he would lose his job, and had to be assured by boss, George St. Pierre, that he would remain employed. 

Mr Nihart had exactly 1,875 followers on Instagram, and just 48 YouTube channel subscribers.

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