Even though Argentina are now a democracy and you would expect that they would act like that in respect to others, they continue to harbour ambitions over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands.
This has been shown once by what can only be described as an aggressive claim to the UN to ownership of all the territorial waters on the continental shelf (including those around the Falklands). The 1,700,000 sq km (650,000 sq miles) claimed includes the Falkland Islands and South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands.
This follows increasingly bellicose talk from Buenos Aires about "Colonial Wars" and continuing claims on the Islands.
As usual, the wishes of the wholly British inhabitants don't enter into the considerations of the Argentines, who see no irony in trying to colonise English speaking islands, whilst claiming Britain is a colonial power.
As expected, our spineless UK government has apparently done nothing to counter this claim, and we await the inevitable last minute scramble as the Brown government realises that the UN is biased against us, and that the UK population won't stand for letting Argentina take the islands by stealth.
Saturday, 25 April 2009
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