
Sunday 12 April 2009

Public Floggings

"Heres Anwar!!"

Yes girls, coming soon to a town near you .... rapes, public floggings and forced marriages... lets do things the M way......

You have all been warned, but everyone seems reluctant to do or say anything.

The Taliban flogged and filmed a girl, and Muslim Khan, the spokesman for Mullah Fazlullah (who ordered the floggings), said that had Qazi (Sharia) courts been functioning in Swat at the time, the woman would have been stoned to death.

Then told everyone it never happened....... they must think we are all stupid.

The story has several versions

  1. A man visited the house, was accused of being alone with the girl and was flogged .... she was flogged as well, and they were forced into marriage.
  2. The man was an electrician, who called to the house, and then the family accused him of something, they were both beaten, then forced to get married (because the girl wasn't wanted by anyone).
  3. The man was an electrician who called to the house and then the family accused him of rape, they were both beaten then forced to get married.
  4. The man was an electrician, who called to the house and then raped the girl, they were both beaten then forced to get married.

None of them make good reading ....

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