
Sunday 19 April 2009

UN Racism Forum Is Racist

Once again the United Nations demonstrates that its thoroughly demeaned as an organisation to police mankind.

Anti-Racism Campaigns Often Uses Aggressive Imagery
Anti-Racism's Often Aggressive Imagery

UN human rights commissioner Navi Pillay has organised an "Anti-Racism" forum and was then "shocked", when a lot of Western nations pulled out. They said there was no point in going, because it was just an excuse for Islamic countries to attack rich Non Muslim countries (as it had been the last time one of these forums had been held), especially as the prime speaker was to be President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran.

Death To USA and Israel .... A Popular Refrain
Death To USA and Israel .... A Popular Refrain.

It should also be noted that these attacks, are usually against the "white colonialists" i.e. those who give three quarters of world aid, but get abused for not doing even more, or "The Zionists" as Israel is called by Muslims. It appears that in some minds, only Whites and Jews are 'racists', and things like the Indian "caste system", or the world wide eradication of 'Christians' (or 'crusaders' as the local mob will call them), from Muslim lands etc, are not racist.

Black Rioting And Looting Is Described As An 'Uprising' Against Racism
Black Rioting And Looting Is Described As An 'Uprising' Against Racism ...

Finally, someone in the West has woken up to attempts in the UN to allow anyone who criticises Islam to be arrested, and to exempt these arrests from being attacks on "Free Speech", because this forum, at the request of middle eastern nations, still contains a clause in the declaration, about the incitement of religious hatred (i.e. criticising Islam).

Many Western countries see this as a curtailment of free speech, and cite this as another reason not to attend (although the UK seems not to be one of them, as we are sending a delegation).


  1. I see that by today, they have removed the direct mention of Zionists and 'merely deplore attacks on religion" ..... however it appears that they are also going to reaffirm the previous conference resolution that included all of this.

    1. Sorry I didn't realise anyone had commented .... Thanks for the comment

  2. The UN is no longer a defender of human rights as flagrant abusers are now on the council.


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