
Saturday 25 April 2009

Worlds Rivers Drying Up

As any reader of my Blog knows, I am fairly convinced that the world is heading for destruction this century .... I have pinpointed 2050 as the moment when the shit hits the fan .... so the news that many of the worlds major rivers water levels have declined significantly over the past 50 years is no great surprise.

The only area with a significant increase in water flows was the Arctic and Himalayas, due to a greater amount of snow and ice melting, and that's a disaster as well, because once the glacial ice has gone, its gone, and India and China will lose 30% of their fresh water supplies.

From the Yellow river in northern China, to the Ganges in India, to the Colorado river in the United States - US scientists say that the major sources of fresh water for much of the world's population are in decline.

We laughed at those 'Survivalists' but they may be the last ones standing.

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