This Blog has spent much time following the
insane antics of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, often under the title of the 'Gadfather' (
of Africa), but we never lost sight of the fact that he was a dictator, cast in the same mould as Saddam Hussein and others in the region.
Gaddafi Never Lacked For Megalomania |
When the "Arab Spring" series of revolutions swept across part of the region, Gaddafi appeared to be the dictators bulwark by resisting the changes, and sweeping apparently inexorably towards Benghazi (
the focus point of the revolt) .... but then NATO stepped in, and the possibility of a massacre was averted. However a stalemate ensued, and it looked as though he would retain at least control of half of the country, until the events of the last couple of weeks, when the rebels, aided by NATO warplanes, started moving slowly forward again.
Gaddafi Has Ordered Scuds To Be Fired |
Then yesterday there was a sudden change in events, resistance crumbled, and the rebels swept into Tripoli and have now entered Gaddafi's compound .... they are now hunting for the dictator and his family, especially his sons.
Statues Toppled |
The similarities with the end of Saddam are quite striking, as statues are toppled, and vows of resistance to the death have proved to be just words .... he is now believed to be either skulking around in the city somewhere, or to have fled to his hometown of Sirte, which has been a stronghold of regime loyalism to him over the years.
Traditional Disrespect Of Sole Of Shoe |
Whether he is caught hiding in a hole, with his sons killed or surrenders to the tender mercies of the rebels remains to be seem, but it seems unlikely that he will die resisting.
Spasmodic Resistance Is Met By Firepower |
He may of course try to flee the country along with his extended family ..... Although where he might go seems to be a problem.
Gaddafi's Main Son And Designated 'Successor' Saif al-Islam |
However they may prefer a trial in the International Tribunal in the Hague (and probably a rather cushy 'life' imprisonment), rather than a trial and probable execution in Libya. Only time will tell, but it seems his reign is over ... we will have to wait and see what comes next.
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