
Monday 8 August 2011

Law And Order: Losing The Streets

The Police have lost the streets in the black areas of London (Peckham, Lewisham, East Ham, Hackney etc etc), and there are also reports that there are 'disturbances' in Afro-Caribbean areas of other cities in the rest of the UK e.g. Birmingham and Leeds.

Three ladies "Out Shopping" and assorted ethnic cultural events
Three ladies "Out Shopping" and assorted ethnic cultural events

No doubt the copycat 'lowlifes' will try it on in St Paul's in Bristol, and other towns such as Manchester. Lets hope someone decides to police this with real firmness in one of these cities, before anyone is murdered .... its an indication of what passes for 'law and order' in the dis-United Kingdom these days, that the authorities can't deal with a bunch of looters and arsonists.
In the US, they would have simply declared martial law, and brought in the national guard with orders to shoot the looters and arsonist .... but in PC Britain, the police will probably be sued by the rioters for breach of their New Labour given 'Human Rights" if they arrest them .... the courts will issue £50 fines (that are never paid), and that will be as far as the punishment will go. The local Labour MP's (they are invariably Labour strongholds), will all claim that the police have to earn the trust of their rioters, sorry 'constituents,' in a laughable reversal of the reality of the situation. 'Alice through the Looking Glass', has nothing on the normal world view of the left wing politicians of the UK, but I suspect that even some of these will have been given serious pause for thought, by the events that are going on.
These pictures go around the world .... the government twiddles its thumbs, and back in 'La La Land', the BBC are up to their normal PC nonsense .... they have now taken the line that this crime spree is all following a 'peaceful protest'. That this is in fact really a 'cry of rage' by disadvantaged and victimised people, railing legitimately against a [white] authority .... it's so far from the reality of all the eyewitness reports of the organised gangs orchestrating the crime as to be laughable. The BBC has lost any credibility with its insistence on describing the rioters as 'groups of youths', painfully avoiding the obvious nature of the crime and the criminals in the pictures we can all see.

This is PC 'Colour Blindness' taken to a new level .... what ever happened to their charter requirement to 'represent the UK, its nations, regions and communities' and report to news as it is, and not following a political correct line, which appears to have more in common with the politics of the Labour Party and the Left, than the nations, and regions?



  2. Now the country yokels are getting involved. Police in Gloucester say trouble overnight involved about 60 people, all local. Nine arrests made of men aged 16-40.

    The yokes!

    Don't the 'Bumpkins' realise that unless you are N.W.A (or Irish travellers), then the 'Liberals' are not interested in you?


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