
Thursday 11 August 2011

Cameron: "Fightback!"

After losing the streets to what the BBC still insists are "youths" (the first man convicted, was a 31 yr old primary school mentor, followed by a postman, a lifeguard, and a charity worker), the Prime Minister, in his latest 'Finest Hour' moment said that: "We needed a fight back and a fight back is underway. We have seen the worst of Britain, but I also believe we’ve seen some of the best of Britain: the million people who’ve signed up on Facebook to support the police, communities coming together in the cleanup operations."

Churchill would have been proud!
He apparently sees no irony in announcing a "fightback" against many of his own so called fellow 'citizens' of this dis - United Kingdom .... effectively treating this as yet another 'War'. Churchill said, in another conflict, " We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender" .... bit more of a ring to it one feels.

Is this really the same politician who once said that we should "Hug A Hoodie"?  .... so now, as well as being under pressure to stop  further police funding cuts,  he will also probably be under pressure to stop reducing the size of the Army, after all, you need an Army to 'fightback' in a war ....

Another politician was once asked what made or broke Prime Ministerships, he said 'Events, my dear boy, events' .... this will be the making or breaking of Cameron as a P.M. ... fortunately 'Sergeant Showers' turned up yesterday, and the rioters stayed at home rather than get wet, so no riots last night  .... Victory!

1 comment:

  1. Hows the joke go "Prime Minister, I served with Churchill, I knew Winston Churchill, Winston Churchill was a friend of mine. Prime Minister, you're no Winston Churchill" (with apologies to Senator Bentsen).

    Todays political midgets, stand on the shoulders of giants.


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