Eeeh, the news from the Anglican front just gets worse, as a series of rival conferences (Firstly in Jerusalem and then Lambeth) .....
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GAFCON Jerusalem 2008 |
..... which just confirms that the long discussed 'split' has occurred in fact, even if the corpse of the Anglican communion is still twitching.
The fiction of an Anglican "Communion" must be apparent to all, even to the fat vicar and other 'liberals' who have done so much damage to their 'church'.
- Firstly, Three hundred traditionalist bishops and archbishops - who believe that the Bible outlaws active homosexuality - are staging what is in effect a rival meeting to the Lambeth Conference in Jerusalem. This Global Anglican Future Conference (Gafcon) is intended to firm up the traditionalist beliefs of the Anglican church.
- Then secondly the 10 yearly Lambeth conference will espouse a load of platitudes about "Brotherly love" (which is part of the problem, with too many brothers actively loving each other), but do nothing to appease the traditional wing.
The attacks from the traditionalists have also now been personally aimed at the "woolly man" of Canterbury for his lack of leadership, and complete unwillingness to confront those who are in effect, re-writing the scriptures to suit western homosexuals lifestyles, at the expense of the credo of 2,000 years and breaking the unity of the Anglican communion.
I have had little cause to revisit the subject of the Anglican Church and its inherent contradictions between the bible teachings and western LGBT 'reformers' who have infiltrated the UK/North American wings of the Anglican Communion.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the corpse twitched this week, with a much delayed Lambeth Conference taking place (albeit minus the Archbishops of Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda - who refused to attend), where once again they tried to resolve the question of homosexuality. Archbishop Welby gave a keynote speech in which fudged the issue by on the one hand reaffirming a resolution passed by the Lambeth Conference in 1998, which said same sex marriage was wrong and "homosexual practices" are incompatible with scripture, while on the other saying that those Anglican churches which moved away from that historical teaching, would not be sanctioned or condemned.
They are so screwed up that its ridiculous .... you either believe in the great sky father and accept his teachings or you don't .... Leviticus 18 and 20 seem fairly clear on the matter. But hey, I am not trying to change the bible, so I do not try to wiggle out of the bibles accepted teachings.
For a coherent breakdown of the arguments about what the bible says or doesn't say go here
It just makes me laugh that this moribund organisation only makes the news at this decadal conference .... otherwise no one cares. Noticeably the Russian Orthodox church suffers none of the Anglican churches wobbles on this subject .... and has grown.