It's quite amazing the lengths to which Islamic countries will go to attack Western values or standards, and yet we say nothing. Its almost like a competition, in which they try to see how supine the West has become.
The latest is the Gambia, which I didn't even realise was "Muslim" because of its attempts to get Western Tourists to its beaches. Under the rule of President Yahya Jammeh ( another African leader with a home cure for Aids, ala President to be Zuma's 'shower cure') homosexuals have been told to leave the country or risk being beheaded.
He has backed that up by arresting two Spanish men as 'homosexuals', as well as telling Senegalese homosexuals they had 24 hrs to flee the country (they had fled Muslim Senegal after mass arrests of homosexuals following a 'gay' wedding). Just in case someone says. 'well strange behaviour by the head of state doesn't have to be 'Islamic' (there are after all many African lunatics running countries)' the country's Supreme Islamic Council, said the president had taken a "principled stand".
EU handouts are unaffected by these two countries repression of homosexuals ... and we wonder why they carry on getting more extreme in their interpretations of Islam.
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