
Sunday 8 June 2008

Only under Islam

While Muslims continue to accuse of the West of being anti Islamic, they continue to live here, free to practise their religion, despite its track record of intolerance to the host populations.

But in Islamic lands, even those that are supposedly "secular", the attacks on any non Muslims to 'ethnic cleanse them from the land' continues to gather pace.

In Algeria, they are now prosecuting new "Christians" and closing what few churches exist.

Why do our politicians, do and say nothing to promote the concept of equal religious freedom in Islamic lands, to match the freedoms we grant to their religion in non Muslim lands?

There are by the way only 10,000 openly Christian people left in Algeria, and in 2006 it was made a criminal offence for anyone to try and convert people from Islam ..... secular my arse!
These are the same countries that claim that they are possible EU members and idiots like the boy Milliband agrees!

What sort of religion has to make it a death sentence or prison offence for anyone who tries to leave it?

It it's so perfect, why do people ever consider leaving and have to be threatened to stay in it?

As I have said before, irony is not something that Muslims understand.

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