
Sunday 17 January 2010

Hyperbole Instead Of Fact

The Saudi defence Minister Prince Khaled bin Sultan, is a rather portly gentleman, much given to flouncing about in military fatigues with his stomach hanging over his belt.

Prince Khaled bin Sultan
Prince Khaled bin Sultan - portly fellow.

Prince Khaled bin Sultan - portly military stance
Prince Khaled bin Sultan

In this he doesn't differ much from many politicians who are lured into wearing military kit in order to satisfy some boyhood daydreams and provide a 'photo op'.

So I wasn't surprised to see him posturing as the military 'big man' after a Saudi operation to clear Shia Yemen Houthi 'rebels' from one of its southern provinces during the Saudi intervention in the Yemen civil war. This 'victory' had taken the well equipped and trained Saudi Army a mere three months to achieve, over a bunch of ill equipped Yemeni terrorists.
No, what made me snigger, was the the way he tried to portray the events of those three months, where he said that only four Saudi soldiers and "hundreds" of rebels were killed in the latest clashes, but then went on to say that actually the overall death toll of Saudi soldiers in the border conflict with the rebels now stood at 82 with 21 missing.

I always find these pronouncements of epic victories, where hundreds of the enemy are killed for modest losses somewhat dubious, especially when they are made every week. Hyperbole always marks Arab spokesmen out from the rest .... remember the timeless quotes of Saddam Hussein's Information Minister, Muhammed Saeed al-Saha?

"There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"

As the tanks rolled into Baghdad ............. for more of his quotes go here!

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