
Sunday 31 January 2010

Nazi Hunter Efraim Zuroff

The fascination by news organisations with the Nazi regime appears to be limitless, with recent stories about 'Mein Kampf' on sale in Muslim countries and sixty year commemorations of the start of the second world war in recent months.

Efraim Zuroff
Efraim Zuroff

This week the BBC ran a story about the 'last of the Nazi hunters' Efraim Zuroff .... a name I had not heard of before.

This blog follows these stories because it once listed the current top Nazi's who were being hunted (at that time), and got an unusual response (and I don't just mean any response LOL), and has felt obliged to follow this area ever since.

However it seems as though an end of these stories may be in sight because Mr Zuroff has admitted to the possibility that the annual report that his office publishes naming the "most wanted" among the world's surviving Nazi criminal suspects could be the last.

This because within a decade all of those under suspicion for World War II crimes will probably be dead. Personally I just feel that with very old people (both witnesses and defendants), its now impossible to guarantee the protagonists memories and therefore the fairness of the trials.

Still I suspect that this blog will be following these stories for some years yet.

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