Monday, 1 March 2010
Gilligans Islamic Island
So it should be no surprise that once again a TV journalist for Dispatches (Andrew Gilligan) has exposed the fact that a fundamentalist Muslim group - the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) - operating under the cover of a large Mosque, has infiltrated the British political system via a local Labour Party.
Based at the East London Mosque in Whitechapel, the IFE has allegedly received millions of pounds of tax payers money through the mosque they control, which has also been visited by government ministers and royalty.
However, despite claiming (with some past justification) to support tolerance and community spirit, the Journalist claims that the Mosque and the IFE also play hosts and cover to extremist speakers and the stocking of radical books.
Actually, its hardly new story, as Channel Four ran a similar story last year, and after many complaints the program was proved to be correct, however already Muslim posters on the Channel 4 web site are defending both the mosque and the IFE against the allegations.
However, there was one thing on the mosques website that made me pause ..... they apparently offer sessions on how to secure a Security Industry Authority licence by offering 'Security Training - Screening Sessions' which is not something the local churches, temples or synagogues offer. Why are they doing this, are security jobs the best ones that Muslims can go for?
It seems a very strange thing to offer in these suspicious times.
The programme also alleges that the Labour Party has been subverted in Tower Hamlets and that recent attempts to have a referendum for a Major in Tower Hamlets has been run by the IFE, and included a large proportion of illegitimate names and addresses, yet despite this, the referendum will go ahead. So once again a Labour constituency is named in an alleged vote rigging amongst an Asian community.
The Labour Party started playing a very dangerous game, both for themselves, and democracy in this country when it opened the floodgates of immigration ...... only time will tell if they (and us) are not damaged by the game.
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Dreamberry Wine Cover
Oddly these Islamic groups always ask for community tolerance when they are the minority, but don't practise it when they are the majority. Just look at every country they have 'conquered' to see the evidence.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't disagree, but the multiculturalists no doubt would.